Nanotechnology and visions of the future (part 1)

Earlier this year I was asked to write an article explaining nanotechnology and the debates surrounding it for a non-scientific audience with interests in social and policy issues. This article was published in the Summer 2007 issue of the journal Soundings. Here is the unedited version, in installments. Regular readers of the blog will be familiar with most of the arguments already, but I hope they will find it interesting to see it all in one place.


Few new technologies have been accompanied by such expansive promises of their potential to change the world as nanotechnology. For some, it will lead to a utopia, in which material want has been abolished and disease is a thing of the past, while others see apocalypse and even the extinction of the human race. Governments and multinationals round the world see nanotechnology as an engine of economic growth, while campaigning groups foresee environmental degradation and a widening of the gap between the rich and poor. But at the heart of these arguments lies a striking lack of consensus about what the technology is or will be, what it will make possible and what its dangers might be. Technologies don’t exist or develop in a vacuum, and nanotechnology is no exception; arguments about the likely, or indeed desirable, trajectory of the technology are as much about their protagonists’ broader aspirations for society as about nanotechnology itself.


Nanotechnology is not a single technology in the way that nuclear technology, agricultural biotechnology, or semiconductor technology are. There is, as yet, no distinctive class of artefacts that can be unambiguously labelled as the product of nanotechnology. It is still, by and large, an activity carried out in laboratories rather than factories, yet the distinctive output of nanotechnology is the production and characterisation of some kind of device, rather than the kind of furthering of fundamental understanding that we would expect from a classical discipline such as physics or chemistry.

What unites the rather disparate group of applied sciences that are referred to as nanotechnologies is simply the length-scale on which they operate. Nanotechnology concerns the creation and manipulation of objects whose size lies somewhere between a nanometer and a few hundred nanometers. To put these numbers in context, it’s worth remembering that as unaided humans, we operate over a range of length-scales that spans a factor of a thousand or so, which we could call the macroscale. Thus the largest objects we can manipulate unaided are about a meter or so in size, while the smallest objects we can manipulate comfortably are about one milimeter. With the aid of light microscopes and tools for micromanipulation, we can also operate on another set of smaller lengthscales, which also spans a factor of a thousand. The upper end of the microscale is thus defined by a millimetre, while the lower end is defined by objects about a micron in size. This is roughly the size of a red blood cell or a typical bacteria, and is about the smallest object that can be easily discerned in a light microscope.

The nanoscale is smaller yet. A micron is one thousand nanometers, and one nanometer is about the size of a medium size molecule. So we can think of the lower limit of the nanoscale as being defined by the size of individual atoms and molecules, while the upper limit is defined by the resolution limits of light microscopes (this limit is somewhat more vague, and one sometimes sees apparently more exact definitions, such as 100 nm, but these in my view are entirely arbitrary).

A number of special features make operating in the nanoscale distinctive. Firstly, there is the question of the tools one needs to see nanoscale structures and to characterise them. Conventional light microscopes cannot resolve structures this small. Electron microscopes can achieve atomic resolution, but they are expensive, difficult to use and prone to artefacts. A new class of techniques – scanning probe microscopies such as scanning tunnelling microscopy and atomic force microscopy – have recently become available which can probe the nanoscale, and the uptake of these relatively cheap and accessible methods has been a big factor in creating the field of nanotechnology.

More fundamentally, the properties of matter themselves often change in interesting and unexpected ways when their dimensions are shrunk to the nanoscale. As a particle becomes smaller, it becomes proportionally more influenced by its surface, which often leads to increases in chemical reactivity. These changes may be highly desirable, yielding, for example, better catalysts for more efficiently effecting chemical transformations, or undesirable, in that they can lead to increased toxicity. Quantum mechanical effects can become important, particularly in the way electrons and light interact, and this can lead to striking and useful effects such as size dependent colour changes. (It’s worth stressing here that while quantum mechanics is counter-intuitive and somewhat mysterious to the uninitiated, it is very well understood and produces definite and quantitative predictions. One sometimes reads that “the laws of physics don’t apply at the nanoscale”. This of course is quite wrong; the laws apply just as they do on any other scale, but sometimes they have different consequences). The continuous restless activity of Brownian motion, that is the manifestation of heat energy at the nanoscale, is dominating. These differences in the way physics works at the nanoscale offer opportunities to achieve new effects, but also means that our intuitions may not always be reliable.

One further feature of the nanoscale is that it is the length scale on which the basic machinery of biology operates. Modern molecular biology and biophysics has revealed a great deal about the sub-cellular apparatus of life, revealing the structure and mode of operation of the astonishingly sophisticated molecular-scale machines that are the basis of all organisms. This is significant in a number of ways. Cell biology provides an existence proof that it is possible to make sophisticated machines on the nanoscale and it provides a model for making such machines. It even provides a toolkit of components that can be isolated from living cells and reassembled in synthetic contexts – this is the enterprise of bionanotechnology. The correspondence of length scales also brings hope that nanotechnology will make it possible to make very specific and targeted interventions into biological systems, leading, it is hoped, to new and powerful methods for medical diagnostics and therapeutics.

Nanotechnology, then, is an eclectic mix of disciplines, including elements of chemistry, physics, materials science, electrical engineering, biology and biotechnology. The way this new discipline has emerged from many existing disciplines is itself very interesting, as it illustrates an evolution of the way science is organised and practised that has occurred largely in response to external events.

The founding myth of nanotechnology places its origin in a lecture given by the American physicist Richard Feynman in 1959, published in 1960 under the title “There’s plenty of room at the bottom”. This didn’t explicitly use the word nanotechnology, but it expressed in visionary and exciting terms the many technical possibilities that would open up if one was able to manipulate matter and make engineering devices on the nanoscale. This lecture is widely invoked by enthusiasts for nanotechnology of all types as laying down the fundamental challenges of the subject, its importance endorsed by the iconic status of Feynman as perhaps the greatest native-born American physicist. However, it seems that the identification of this lecture as a foundational document is retrospective, as there is not much evidence that it made a great deal of impact at the time. Feynman himself did not devote very much further work to these ideas, and the paper was rarely cited until the 1990s.

The word nanotechnology itself was coined by the Japanese scientist Norio Taniguchi in 1974 in the context of ultra-high precision machining. However, the writer who unquestionably propelled the word and the idea into the mainstream was K. Eric Drexler. Drexler wrote a popular and bestselling book “Engines of Creation”, published in 1986, which launched a futuristic and radical vision of a nanotechnology that transformed all aspects of society. In Drexler’s vision, which explicitly invoked Feynman’s lecture, tiny assemblers would be able to take apart and put together any type of matter atom by atom. It would be possible to make any kind of product or artefact from its component atoms at virtually no cost, leading to the end of scarcity, and possibly the end of the money economy. Medicine would be revolutionised; tiny robots would be able to repair the damage caused by illness or injury at the level of individual molecules and individual cells. This could lead to the effective abolition of ageing and death, while a seamless integration of physical and cognitive prostheses would lead to new kinds of enhanced humans. On the downside, free-living, self-replicating assemblers could escape into the wild, outcompete natural life-forms by virtue of their superior materials and design, and transform the earth’s ecosphere into “grey goo”. Thus, in the vision of Drexler, nanotechnology was introduced as a technology of such potential power that it could lead either to the transfiguration of humanity or to its extinction.

There are some interesting and significant themes underlying this radical, “Drexlerite” conception of nanotechnology. One of them is the idea of matter as software. Implicit in Drexler’s worldview is the idea that the nature of all matter can be reduced to a set of coordinates of its constituent atoms. Just as music can be coded in digital form on a CD or MP3 file, and moving images can be reduced to a string of bits, it’s possible to imagine any object, whether an everyday tool, a priceless artwork, or even a natural product, being coded as a string of atomic coordinates. Nanotechnology, in this view, provides an interface between the software world and the physical world; an “assembler” or “nanofactory” generates an object just as a digital printer reproduces an image from its digital, software representation. It is this analogy that seems to make the Drexlerian notion of nanotechnology so attractive to the information technology community.

Predictions of what these “nanofactories” might look like have a very mechanistic feel to them. “Engines of Creation” had little in the way of technical detail supporting it, and included some imagery that felt quite organic and biological. However, following the popular success of “Engines”, Drexler developed his ideas at a more detailed level, publishing another, much more technical book in 1992, called “Nanosystems”. This develops a conception of nanotechnology as mechanical engineering shrunk to atomic dimensions, and it is in this form that the idea of nanotechnology has entered the popular consciousness through science fiction, films and video games. Perhaps the best of all these cultural representations is the science fiction novel “The Diamond Age” by Neal Stephenson, whose conscious evocation of a future shaped by a return to Victorian values rather appropriately mirrors the highly mechanical feel of Drexler’s conception of nanotechnology.

The next major development in nanotechnology was arguably political rather than visionary or scientific. In 2000, President Clinton announced a National Nanotechnology Initiative, with funding of $497 million a year. This initiative survived, and even thrived on, the change of administration in the USA, receiving further support, and funding increases from President Bush. Following this very public initiative from the USA, other governments around the world, and the EU, have similarly announced major funding programs. Perhaps the most interesting aspect of this international enthusiasm for nanotechnology at government level is the degree to which it is shared by countries outside those parts of North America, Europe and the Pacific Rim that are traditionally associated with a high intensity of research and development. India, China, Brazil, Iran and South Africa have all designated nanotechnology as a priority area, and in the case of China at least there is some evidence that their performance and output in nanotechnology is beginning to approach or surpass that of some Western countries, including the UK.

Some of the rhetoric associated with the US National Nanotechnology Initiative in its early days was reminiscent of the vision of Drexler – notably, an early document was entitled “Nanotechnology: shaping the world atom by atom”. Perhaps it was useful that such a radical vision for the world changing potential of nanotechnology was present in the background; even if it was not often explicitly invoked, neither did scientists go out of their way to refute it.

This changed in September 2001, when a special issue of the American popular science magazine “Scientific American” contained a number of contributions that were stingingly critical of the Drexler vision of nanotechnology. The most significant of these were by the Harvard nano-chemist George Whitesides, and the Rice University chemist Richard Smalley. Both argued that the Drexler vision of nanoscale machines was simply impossible on technical grounds. Smalley’s contribution was perhaps the most resonant; Smalley had won a Nobel prize for this discovery of a new form of nanoscale carbon, Buckminster fullerene[1], and so his contribution carried significant weight.

The dispute between Smalley and Drexler ran for a while longer, with a published exchange of letters, but its tone became increasingly vituperative. Nonetheless, the result has been that Drexler’s ideas have been largely discredited in both scientific and business circles. The attitude of many scientists is summed up by IBM’s Don Eigler, the first person to demonstrate the controlled manipulation of individual atoms: “To a person, everyone I know who is a practicing scientist thinks of Drexler’s contributions as wrong at best, dangerous at worse. There may be scientists who feel otherwise, I just haven’t run into them.”[2]

Drexler has thus become a very polarising figure. My own view is that this is unfortunate. I believe that Drexler and his followers have greatly underestimated the technical obstacles in the way of his vision of shrunken mechanical engineering. Drexler does deserve credit, though, for pointing out that the remarkable nanoscale machinery of cell biology does provide an existence proof that a sophisticated nanotechnology is possible. However, I think he went on to draw the wrong conclusion from this. Drexler’s position is essentially that we will be able greatly to surpass the capabilities of biological nanotechnology by using rational engineering principles, rather than the vagaries of evolution, to design these machines, and by using stiff and strong materials rather than diamond rather than the soft and floppy proteins and membranes of biology. I believe that this fails to recognise the fact that physics does look very different at the nanoscale, and that the design principles used in biology are optimised by evolution for this different environment[3]. From this, it follows that a radical nanotechnology might well be possible, but that it will look much more like biology than engineering.

Whether or in what form radical nanotechnology does turn out to be possible, much of what is currently on the market described as nanotechnology is very much more incremental in character. Products such as nano-enabled sunscreens, anti-stain fabric coatings, or “anti-ageing” creams certainly do not have anything to do with sophisticated nanoscale machines; instead they feature materials, coatings and structures which have some dimensions controlled on the nanoscale. These are useful and even potentially lucrative products, but they certainly do not represent any discontinuity with previous technology.

Between the mundane current applications of incremental nanotechnology, and the implausible speculations of the futurists, there are areas in which it is realistic to hope for substantial impacts from nanotechnology. Perhaps the biggest impacts will be seen in the three areas of energy, healthcare and information technology. It’s clear that there will be a huge emphasis in the coming years on finding new, more sustainable ways to obtain and transmit energy. Nanotechnology could make many contributions in areas like better batteries and fuel cells, but arguably its biggest impact could be in making solar energy economically viable on a large scale. The problem with conventional solar cells is not efficiency, but cost and manufacturing scalability. Plenty of solar energy lands on the earth, but the total area of conventional solar cells produced a year is orders of magnitude too small to make a significant dent in the world’s total energy budget. New types of solar cell using nanotechnology, and drawing inspiration from the natural process of photosynthesis, are in principle compatible with large area, low cast processing techniques like printing, and it’s not unrealistic to imagine this kind of solar cell being produced in huge plastic sheets at very low cost. In medicine, if the vision of cell-by-cell surgery using nanosubmarines isn’t going to happen, the prospect of the effectiveness of drugs being increased and their side-effects greatly reduced through the use of nanoscale delivery devices is much more realistic. Much more accurate and fast diagnosis of diseases is also in prospect.

One area in which nanotechnology can already be said to be present in our lives is information technology. The continuous miniaturisation of computing devices has already reached the nanoscale, and this is reflected in the growing impact of information technology on all aspects of the life of most people in the West. It’s interesting that the economic driving force for the continued development of information technologies is no longer computing in its traditional sense, but largely entertainment, through digital music players and digital imaging and video. The continual shrinking of current technologies will probably continue through the dynamic of Moore’s law for ten or fifteen years, allowing at least another hundred-fold increase in computing power. But at this point a number of limits, both physical and economic, are likely to provide serious impediments to further miniaturisation. New nanotechnologies may alter this picture in two ways. It is possible, but by no means certain, that entirely new computing concepts such as quantum computing or molecular electronics may lead to new types of computer of unprecedented power, permitting the further continuation or even acceleration of Moore’s law. On the other hand, developments in plastic electronics may make it possible to make computers that are not especially powerful, but which are very cheap or even disposable. It is this kind of development that is likely to facilitate the idea of “ubiquitous computing” or “the internet of things”, in which it is envisaged that every artefact and product incorporates a computer able to sense its surroundings and to communicate wirelessly with its neighbours. One can see that as a natural, even inevitable, development of technologies like the radio frequency identification devices (RFID) already used as “smart barcodes” by shops like Walmart, but it is clear also that some of the scenarios envisaged could lead to serious concerns about loss of privacy and, potentially, civil liberties.

[1] Nobel Prize for chemistry, 1996, shared with his Rice colleague Robert Curl and the British chemist Sir Harold Kroto, from Sussex University.
[2] Quoted by Chris Toumey in “Reading Feynman Into Nanotech: Does Nanotechnology Descend From Richard Feynman’s 1959 Talk?” (to be published).
[3] This is essentially the argument of my own book “Soft Machines: Nanotechnology and life”, R.A.L. Jones, OUP (2004).

To be continued…

11 thoughts on “Nanotechnology and visions of the future (part 1)”

  1. This is the kind of description I’ve been trying to find and I’m looking forward to the rest of this. The reason? I’m working on a Masters at De Montfort and I’m gathering info. for my dissertation on nanotech and language and, given that my science education stopped at high school, it’s been incredibly difficult to find a clear explanation of nanotechnolog that took me beyond the comparison of the diameter of a human hair and a nanometer without losing me completely.

  2. PEM hydrogen fuel cells factor into a big part of my vision of weaning the world off oil. Kudos to any UK bio-research that figures out how to filter CO out of fresh water. PEMs are damn picky about needing perfectly distilled water. Even a few PPM of CO poisons them.

    Every time I here the MNT-meme I’ll mention the need for a DFT simulation of a Boron moeity deposited on diamond, in addition to the obvious need (ever since the STM was invented in 1981 and the AFM in 1991) for a proof-of-principle carbon moeity deposition on diamond.

  3. The first comment which came from the floor was from Jocelyn – ‘Wow 3185 words, the beach did Dr. Jones some good.’ She remained undeterred on find out it was a reprint.
    We have been following along since the Sandpit, learning as we go, and this new piece will form part of our ever growing library.
    Phillip ‘yelled’ [note the small letters] so I will a bit too. What I see as the underlying factor in tis emerging field is the profound need for it to be in the ‘Public Interest’. When you get too many people with too many agendas pulling in differing directions, the message the public receives is diluted.
    We just received out copies of Soft Machines through a source in the UK. I will send a review, but the initial intensity on the floor bode well for a high rating on the Way Cool Scale
    Jocelyn has asked me to advise that her ability at word counts comes from her Aspergers Syndrome, which was undiagnosed until she came to Camp One. [10/10 on the Hammond B3 too]
    Memo to Phillip – If you want to supply material for your own Blog, the offer remains open. We can set up a private link on our collaboration site with you having final editorial prerogative. Jus’ nagging!

  4. Richard —

    Thanks for posting this excellent article. As you suggest, it’s a useful synopsis of some of the key ideas that have arisen on the Soft Machines blog and, as such, is yet another very useful resource on your site to which I can point A-level and undergraduate students interested in nanotechnology. However, it also makes some very thought-provoking assertions.

    You state that the distinctive output of nanotechnology is the production and characterisation of some kind of device, rather than the kind of furthering of fundamental understanding that we would expect from a classical discipline such as physics or chemistry .

    From this it appears that you draw a strong distinction between nanotechnology and nanoscience – am I correct in assuming this? Or is it rather that you are suggesting that fundamental nanoscience as a discipline doesn’t exist? You’ll see that I’ve hopped back on to my “fundamental vs applied science” soapbox (more on this in my other posts tonight!). However, given that EPSRC appointed a Strategic Advisor in Nanotechnology , this is perhaps more than a matter of simple semantics.

    I think that I broadly agree with you in terms of Drexler’s contributions to nanotechnology. The quote from Eigler is very interesting (I hadn’t seen it before) and I think mirrors the opinions of a number of nanoscientists to whom I’ve spoken about Drexlerian nanotechnology. On the other hand, there are also a considerable number of nanoscientists in the physical sciences who, in my experience, have not given Drexler’s work a second thought and certainly have not read Nanosystems . The issue in many cases is not so much antipathy towards Drexler but apathy…

    Nevertheless, in addition to giving Drexler credit for “deriving” an existence proof for nanotech based on cell biology, I think that he also deserves kudos for the idea at the core of his vision: atom-by-atom mechanochemistry. This is not to say that I’m “retracting” the many criticisms of molecular manufacturing I’ve put forward in the past on this blog (!) but, with the correct choice of materials system, there’s a lot of extremely interesting science to be done using mechanical force-driven chemistry at the atomic scale.

    Finally, and on a minor point, I’d quibble with the suggestion that quantum mechanics is “very well understood” ! We can certainly do the mathematics, but as Lee Smolin points out in his controversial – but, I thought, excellent – “The Trouble with Physics” book, we’ve abandoned tricky philosophical questions related to the interpretation of quantum mechanics in favour of “going through the motions” of the mathematics/computations.

    Phillip —

    Our e-mail exchanges last year and earlier this year prompted me to collaborate with some colleagues in Ireland on DFT modelling of boron-doped diamondoid clusters. This yielded some very interesting, albeit preliminary, results. We need to repeat quite a lot of the work at higher levels of theory but when we write up the work for publication I’ll send you a preprint. Now if only we could do the accompanying experiment any time soon…

    Martin —

    I’m about to post some comments on the issue of “public interest” under this post . Thanks again for your offer of hosting a blog – it’s much appreciated. I’ve got a couple of grant proposals and papers to sort out over the next few months but perhaps after those are out of the way I might take you up on your offer!

    Best wishes,


  5. – This is my second attempt at trying to post the following message. It didn’t seem to work the first time. Apologies if the message gets posted twice.-

    Richard —

    Thanks for posting this excellent article. As you suggest, it’s a useful synopsis of some of the key ideas that have arisen on the Soft Machines blog and, as such, is yet another very useful resource on your site to which I can point A-level and undergraduate students interested in nanotechnology. However, it also makes some very thought-provoking assertions.

    You state that the distinctive output of nanotechnology is the production and characterisation of some kind of device, rather than the kind of furthering of fundamental understanding that we would expect from a classical discipline such as physics or chemistry .

    From this it appears that you draw a strong distinction between nanotechnology and nanoscience – am I correct in assuming this? Or is it rather that you are suggesting that fundamental nanoscience as a discipline doesn’t exist? You’ll see that I’ve hopped back on to my “fundamental vs applied science” soapbox (more on this in my other posts tonight!). However, given that EPSRC appointed a Strategic Advisor in Nanotechnology , this is perhaps more than a matter of simple semantics.

    I think that I broadly agree with you in terms of Drexler’s contributions to nanotechnology. The quote from Eigler is very interesting (I hadn’t seen it before) and I think mirrors the opinions of a number of nanoscientists to whom I’ve spoken about Drexlerian nanotechnology. On the other hand, there are also a considerable number of nanoscientists in the physical sciences who, in my experience, have not given Drexler’s work a second thought and certainly have not read Nanosystems . The issue in many cases is not so much antipathy towards Drexler but apathy…

    Nevertheless, in addition to giving Drexler credit for “deriving” an existence proof for nanotech based on cell biology, I think that he also deserves kudos for the idea at the core of his vision: atom-by-atom mechanochemistry. This is not to say that I’m “retracting” the many criticisms of molecular manufacturing I’ve put forward in the past on this blog (!) but, with the correct choice of materials system, there’s a lot of extremely interesting science to be done using mechanical force-driven chemistry at the atomic scale.

    Finally, and on a minor point, I’d quibble with the suggestion that quantum mechanics is “very well understood” ! We can certainly do the mathematics, but as Lee Smolin points out in his controversial – but, I thought, excellent – “The Trouble with Physics” book, we’ve abandoned tricky philosophical questions related to the interpretation of quantum mechanics in favour of “going through the motions” of the mathematics/computations.

    Phillip —

    Our e-mail exchanges last year and earlier this year prompted me to collaborate with some colleagues in Ireland on DFT modelling of boron-doped diamondoid clusters. This yielded some very interesting, albeit preliminary, results. We need to repeat quite a lot of the work at higher levels of theory but when we write up the work for publication I’ll send you a preprint. Now if only we could do the accompanying experiment any time soon…

    Martin —

    I’m about to post some comments on the issue of “public interest” under this post . Thanks again for your offer of hosting a blog – it’s much appreciated. I’ve got a couple of grant proposals and papers to sort out over the next few months but perhaps after those are out of the way I might take you up on your offer!

    Best wishes,


  6. Not to pour rain on your guys’ parade, but isn’t the potential impact of nanotechnology a little overhyped by its boosters?

    Consider that 5% of the GDP in the U.S. and E.U. is manufacturing capital cost. Even if we get Eric Drexler’s “molecular manufacturing”, the impact of this would be to reduce the capital cost of manufacturing from this 5% down to near 0. This means that the most extreme vision of nanotech yields a 5% one-shot productivity boost in the economies of the developed countries. Now we know that the developing world, especially China, have a far greater percentage of their GDPs in capital manufacturing costs, say around 15-20%. This is for the most extreme version of nanotech (Drexlerian assembler nanotech).

    If Drexler’s version of nanotech is not possible (which I think is likely), then the most plausible scenario of nanotech development is some kind of “wet” nanotech, probably synthetic biology. In this case, the economic impact will be even less than that above.

    True, many industries will be transformed. Growing houses from synthetic biological seeds will radically transform the building industry. Then again, it might not. Seed-based nanotech grown houses strike me as symply being the next technology version of manufactured houses, and most housing is still stick-built.

    If my above reasoning is correct, it is likely that the socio-economic impact of full-blown nanotech will be no greater than that of IT/internet in the late 90’s. A brief bubble, followed by a new norm.

    The impact in the developing world will be somewhat more significant.

    Feel free to correct me if you think I’m wrong here.

  7. Martin, I’m afraid my productivity hasn’t been boosted by my time on the beach, it’s more a case of “here’s one I prepared earlier”.

    Philip, you’re right to detect my ambivalence about the distinction between “nanoscience” and “nanotechnology”. I wrote here about this; I think it presupposes a linear model of innovation which isn’t really tenable any more. If we look at one of the most high-profile commercial outcomes from UK nanoscience, Cambridge Display Technology, this emerged not from a systematic attempt to apply a piece of already existing science; instead it came from a fortuitous discovery in a laboratory doing fairly basic solid-state physics. But … the mind set they had (as far as I know or remember it) was that they were trying to make devices of some kind, even if they had no particular thought that these devices would have any commercial application. Likewise, I would suggest that your interest in mechanically controlled chemistry isn’t motivated by any thought that you are instantly going to spin out a company on the basis of it, but because the project is essentially about trying to control the nanoworld, rather than simply to understand it, it does have an intrinsic chance that it will turn out to be useful. You’re also quite right to notice the significance of my job title, but I’ll have to tell you the story behind that in person.

    As for quantum mechanics, you’re quite right to point out that at a deep level it isn’t understood at all (and by implication the criticism of the scientific community for allowing that situation to persist). What I simply wanted to point out was that the quantum mysticism one sometimes reads (i.e. because things are small they are governed by quantum mechanics, therefore they are intrinsically mysterious and unpredictable, therefore they might be dangerous) doesn’t hold water.

    Kurt, I don’t really recognize myself as much of a nanotechnology booster, at least by the extravagant standards of that profession. But if nanotechnology does have a big impact, I don’t think it will be so much by allowing us to do the things we do now better or more cheaply (important though those things will be at the level of individual companies and industries) but in allowing us to do things that we cannot do at all at the moment.

  8. Richard,

    The idea that nanotech will allow us to do things we cannot do now is where the new industries and economic growth will come from. This puts us in the situation analogous to 1900-1920 when we got electricity, motor cars, indoor plumbing, and the first appliances (radio, some kitchen appliances). Even in this case, the nanotech part of the cost equation is still the capital cost part. So, at most, we are in for a transformation comparable to 1900-1920, which was far more significant than anything we have experienced since.

    I agree with you that you are not a “nanotech booster” in the sense that I intended. I also think that when we do get the real nanotech, that it will be based on biology, will be soft and squishy, and will do things that soft and squishy self-replicating systems are good at doing.

    I still think we will have houses and buildings that self-assemble from seeds and that, in terms of its effect on the industry, will be simply seen as the next technology version of manufactured houses (think of factories that make houses, but have no people working in them).

    I certainly do not buy into this “singularity” stuff. On the other hand, industrialization and electricity can be thought of as the first singularity. Biotech and nanotech will be the second singularity.

  9. Kurt, I agree with your economic analysis, but economics is presently hooked on GDP, an imperfect quality-of-living measure. I hate sounding like an eco-freak, but the level of uncosted environmental capital in the world’s economy is at least 10x (maybe closer to 100x) costed GDP. For instance, if the 4%? of the world’s GDP that is agriculture were to suddenly disappear, the world’s economy would contract 95% or more as most people starved to death.
    There are two different definitions of manufacturing used above too. Even if better manufacturing techniques like MNT or synthetic enzyme innovations don’t change the overall GDP=100% economic sector ratios much, they will certainly ripple through the productivities of the sectors themselves; the overall size and allocation of the pie itself is what matters. Instead of GDP, economists should use aggregate # of person year longevity, or some other measure that doesn’t trap economies in a Randian false maxima.
    If some biotech researcher invents wheat with quadrupled yields in arid conditions, the annual GDP gain may not even total 1%, but the pool of people able to complete undergraduate studies may double.

  10. An old thought about the transfigurative nature of Drextech: it actually conflates or combines two ideas. One is the atomic precision, putatively allowing diamond spaceships and whatnot (and I’m throwing the idea of microscale nanobots in here as well.) The other is the idea of self-replicating tech, practically required to get the mole-scale quantities of force microscopes needed for such precise manufacturing. A Drexlerian general assembler is a tiny Von Neumann machine with atomic-precision manufacturing capability.

    But for a lot of economic applications the important part is not the atomic precision but the self-replication — or, with an acknowledgement of agriculture and PCR — self-replication which can occur in the field without being inhibited by superior replicators aka pests and predators. Working clanking replicators you could drop into the desert to make solar power plants bloom, or onto the Moon to make a massive industrial base, could be quite transformative even if they were the size of a bulldozer — though they might need something like nanotech chambers for disassembling raw materials and making precision components.

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